Nasz Dom
The concept of corporate social responsibility is ingrained in our company's DNA.
That's why we engage in numerous initiatives aimed at assisting those in need, improving quality of life, and fostering integration between community groups.
That's why we engage in numerous initiatives aimed at assisting those in need, improving quality of life, and fostering integration between community groups.
"Our Group, through its various subsidiaries, boasts a long history of community and charity initiatives. The establishment of the Nasz Dom Foundation allows us to consolidate these efforts under one roof, making it easier to manage all our corporate community and social responsibility activities.
Our ambition is to assist individuals in tackling hardship, including those beyond our national borders, such as in Ukraine."
Our ambition is to assist individuals in tackling hardship, including those beyond our national borders, such as in Ukraine."
Michał Dolny, President of the Management Board of the Nasz Dom Foundation and Marketing Director of Dom Development
The Foundation's objectives and scope of activities are closely tied to our core business - creating living spaces, tackling housing problems, and supporting the Group's sustainable development strategy.
We engage in local communities through social projects and support for charitable initiatives. In addition, we undertake efforts to reduce our environmental footprint and enhance urban biodiversity.
We engage in local communities through social projects and support for charitable initiatives. In addition, we undertake efforts to reduce our environmental footprint and enhance urban biodiversity.
Please contact our representative
Strona domd.pl może wyświetlać się nieprawidłowo
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