Kwartet Polanki
Macierzy Szkolnej Street
Completion date: July 2018
Number of commissioned flats: 27
Completion date: July 2018
Number of commissioned flats: 27
About the project
Kwartet Polanki is a prestigious, intimate housing estate situated in Gdańsk-Oliwa, at the crossing of enchanting streets of Polanki and Macierzy Szkolnej. The project consists of two buildings which were being constructed at the same time, composed of 27 flats. The estate area encloses the playground for children and abundant greenery with a zone dedicated to leisure activities. During centuries, Polanki Street was the main route leading from Gdańsk through Wrzeszcz to Oliwa. The architecture of Kwartet Polanki makes unobtrusive references to the spirit of the location and to the unique neighbourhood of historical manors.
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