About us
Within DOM 2030 we set measurable objectives in support of our mission. This document also contains a summary of the Group’s achievements to date and our sustainable development philosophy..
Green Project Charter
Our goal is to gradually implement this standard, ultimately to have all projects compliant with it in 2026.
The “We are Fair” programme combines our standards with thoughtful promises in three areas of responsibility: for our products, our relations and for the local community.

Marcin Rams
President of the Managing Board
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Marcin Rams
President of the Managing Board
Connected with the Capital Group Dom Development S.A. since 2021. Since 2022, has held the position of the President of the Managing Board of Dom Development Kraków Sp. z o.o. He has more than 20 years of experience in the development industry. In the years 2011-2021, member of Managing Boards in target-based companies executing SENTO residential projects.
He is a graduate of the Academy of Economics in Katowice. He also graduated from MBA studies at University of Minnesota and Warsaw School of Economics.

Agnieszka Zawadzka
Member of the Managing Board
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Agnieszka Zawadzka
Member of the Managing Board
Connected with the Capital Group Dom Development S.A. since 2022 . She has 20 years of experience in the development industry. Graduate of the University of Agriculture in Cracow in the Faculty of Environment Engineering and Geodesy.
In the years 2012-2022, she held the position of the President of the Managing Board, Member of the Managing Board and Member of the Supervisory Board in Buma Group companies, and since 2016 responsible for the general strategy of the developer, in particular with respect to advertisement and marketing, apartment sales , office space rental and real estate management.

Mikołaj Konopka
Member of the Management Board
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Mikołaj Konopka
Member of the Management Board
An accomplished manager with a long track record in the real estate and construction industries. He began his career in 1993 by founding a road construction company. Between 2001 and 2005, he served as a Board Member and Commercial Director at Kombet Concrete Production Company in Gdynia. He then, from 2005 to 2007, held the position of a Board Member and Commercial Director at Semmelrock Stein + Design, part of the Wienerberger Group, managing operations in northern Poland.
Since 2007, he has been with Euro Styl S.A., initially as Vice President of the Management Board and Managing Director, where he was responsible for strategic areas of operations, such as land acquisition and predevelopment. From 2017 to 2024, he held the position of President of the Management Board. In 2018, he was appointed as a Member of the Management Board of Dom Development S.A. Since 2025, he has served as the President of the Management Board of Dom Development S.A., a Member of the Management Board of Euro Styl S.A., a Member of the Management Board of Dom Development Kraków Sp. z o.o., and a Member of the Management Board of Dom Development Wrocław Sp. z o.o.
He holds a degree in Maritime Transport Economics from the University of Gdańsk, and has been teaching Real Estate and Development Project Management in the postgraduate programme at the University of Gdańsk since 2018. He is fluent in English.

Leszek Stankiewicz
Vice President of the Management Board, Chief Financial Officer
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Leszek Stankiewicz
Vice President of the Management Board, Chief Financial Officer
He has been with Dom Development S.A. since July 2019, initially as Deputy Chief Financial Officer and subsequently, since March 2021, as Vice-President of the Management Board and Chief Financial Officer of the company. In addition to this, since August 2019 he has been a Member of the Management Board and Chief Financial Officer of Dom Construction Sp. z o.o., an in-house general contractor within Dom Development S.A. Capital Group.
He graduated from the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Warsaw and from the Warsaw School of Economics, in the field of finance and banking. He also completed his doctoral degree at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw. He has over 20 years’ experience in top executive positions including nearly 10 years in the construction sector.
Joanna Lisicka
Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Piotr Marszałek
Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
History of Dom Development Group
We have won many prestigious awards and honours.
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